Hughes-North Reunion 2023


The 50th Reunion was finally held in the pavilion at Thompson Park in Watertown,NY.  It was a great day in the mid 70's with a cool Thompson Park  breeze.

The food was great as always and it was great catching up with family and friends after 4 years away.

 There was 43 of us there to reminisce and "pig out".  Actually a great turn out after so many years away.

A great time was had by all on a beautiful day that we will all remember during those cold winter days that outnumber the warm ones..

Folks, you are missing a great time that would be even better if you attended. 

We would really like to see you there.  The 51st is next year.

It is going to be held at the  Wescott Beach State Park on August 4th, 2024.

We need your help.  As we go on we seem to be getting fewer of the folks that use to always show. 

Let's keep this rolling!

  Remember, the reunion is held on the first Sunday of each August.

  Unless notified, this will always be the case.

Announcements are no longer mailed.  Email announcements are sent out instead.

This creates a huge savings to the reunion.





Click on each picture to view,  Then right click and "save" to download.